meet artist chris kein
meet the artist and learn about his craft
Chris has always enjoyed working with his hands. As a child, he enjoyed stealthily taking everything in his home apart then putting it back together as well as sneaking into his grandfather’s basement workshop to watch him build with wood. Professionally, Chris works as a physical therapist and focused on hands-on treatment for most of his career.
Like many, his personal forays into carpentry and woodworking began in the early 1990's when he and his wife bought their home. Through many failures and rebuilds he started honing his skills. His first big woodworking project was to build an island countertop using only well-seasoned firewood and a small table saw. Since then he has built many beautiful pieces of furniture for home and began selling his wares in 2015.
Besides working with wood, Chris enjoys restoring antique woodworking tools then putting them back to work in his shop. When he’s not at work or in the workshop, Chris enjoys bicycling and walking in the woods where downed and waterlogged trees provide the material for many of his bowls.
Chris lives in Unity, Maine with his wife and their 2 dogs who also love walking in the woods.